Siege Kits
With the power of weapons that could destroy anything, Accretia Siege Kit comes with a new one that is ready to eliminate all enemies in front of him
Siege Kit Level 70
With the power of weapons that could destroy anything, Accretia Siege Kit comes with a new one that is ready to eliminate all enemies in front of him
Siege Kit Level 70

There will be 4 new Siege Kits, 2 for Launchers and 2 for FlameThrowers. These Siege Kits will be available for 300 Gold Points (+ tax rate) from Gold Pig NPC. Level requirement for these new Siege Kits will be 30.
Sonium Siege Kit
Magius Siege Kit
Siege Kit Level 55
Siege Kit Level 60 and 65

Magius Siege Kit

Siege Kit Level 55

Siege Kit Level 60 and 65

In this time of course there will be a variety of new content, one of which is the Nation Special Job, where in this Nation Special Job Update there will be a new Siege Kit for the Accretian Nation
New Siege Kit Baalzebub Level 75 for the Accretian Nation Launcher Class.
Siege Kit Level 75 of course has an increase in Attack / Defense which is higher when compared to Siege Kit Level 70.