Massive Armor Unit (MAU) with 2 types of Catapult and Goliath now comes with a more powerful force and equipped with Panzer Generator thereby increasing the strength of the MAU.
MAU Catapult

MAU Goliath
Massive Armor Unit (MAU) with 2 types of Catapult and Goliath now comes with a more powerful force and equipped with Panzer Generator thereby increasing the strength of the MAU.
MAU Catapult

MAU Goliath

New MAU [Massive Armored Unit] Level 75 For Armor Rider Class Bellato Nation
Now, there are adjustments to the MAU motion control where previously players could only control MAU using Mouse Mode , now players can control MAU movements using Keyboard Mode .
There are additional descriptions of attacks on MAU ammunition , both ammunition from the main weapon and ammunition from the second weapon and the following are examples of ammunition descriptions in the Baalzebub Update this time:
Example of ammunition on Goliath and Catapult main weapons Level 70 & 75

Ammunition examples on both Goliath and Catapult Level 70 & 75 . weapons

There are also adjustments to the MAU Goliath attack , where previously the MAU Goliath attack was only effective on one enemy target, this time MAU Goliath will have an area attack range to the enemy target.Ammunition examples on both Goliath and Catapult Level 70 & 75 . weapons