MID-WAY’s - 8th anniversary

This weekend marks MID-WAY’s 8th anniversary, and we’d like to thank you for exploring Novus with us for all these years. To help celebrate, we want make some announce about new server, which will be a new word in RF Online history.
We are almost finished working on our full source server. And we glad to announce that for first time we will run server which will be moved in near future to our platform when it will be fully tested.
New platform allow make us a really awesome and incredible things, that you haven't seen ever.
For example,
Thanks everyone, who still support and believe to us.
We are almost finished working on our full source server. And we glad to announce that for first time we will run server which will be moved in near future to our platform when it will be fully tested.
New platform allow make us a really awesome and incredible things, that you haven't seen ever.
For example,
- fully new quest system (you can deal with quest dealer for reward or etc).
- new automatic events (global or minor).
- sieges.
- new monster's AI.
- improving server performance.
- and etc.
Thanks everyone, who still support and believe to us.