[UPDATED] Server Update v0.1.0
Hello RF Online!
We've brought in three great novelty developer notes that are a key element of RF Online!
As we look forward to it, please check out the information:
*Update Info BEGIN*
Fixed Tooltip Display Ammo amount when selling to NPC;
Fixed Tooltip Display SiegeKits durability when selling to NPC;
Fixed Equipment price when selling to NPC;
Fixed Craft PT for all class;
*Update Info END*
Changed Server Max Level to 50;
Fixed Armor Talic Upgrade Defence Bonus;
Fixed Tooltip armor defence display info;
Fixed Tooltip ammo amount display info;
Fixed Animus Exp Leveling;
Fixed Tooltip Guard Towers level requirements display info;
Fixed Craft Item manual item system;
Removed items 50+ level from NPC;
Added grenade launcher ammo's;
Added new monsters with craft item resources (each HQ's young flem area) ->
Dark Pang Pang-1
Craft Tool Item available for all class;
Extended Craft Item manual item system:
Now, all craftable equip items (armor, shields, weapon) get random group effect with Class, Class Stage and Rank Stage.

Thank you for waiting. Servers are back up online!
We've brought in three great novelty developer notes that are a key element of RF Online!
As we look forward to it, please check out the information:
*Update Info BEGIN*
Fixed Tooltip Display Ammo amount when selling to NPC;
Fixed Tooltip Display SiegeKits durability when selling to NPC;
Fixed Equipment price when selling to NPC;
Fixed Craft PT for all class;
*Update Info END*
Changed Server Max Level to 50;
Fixed Armor Talic Upgrade Defence Bonus;
Fixed Tooltip armor defence display info;
Fixed Tooltip ammo amount display info;
Fixed Animus Exp Leveling;
Fixed Tooltip Guard Towers level requirements display info;
Fixed Craft Item manual item system;
Removed items 50+ level from NPC;
Added grenade launcher ammo's;
Added new monsters with craft item resources (each HQ's young flem area) ->
Dark Pang Pang-1
Craft Tool Item available for all class;
Extended Craft Item manual item system:
Now, all craftable equip items (armor, shields, weapon) get random group effect with Class, Class Stage and Rank Stage.
Thank you for waiting. Servers are back up online!