Server Update v0.2.9

Hello RF Online!

We've brought in three great novelty developer notes that are a key element of RF Online!

As we look forward to it, please check out the information:

Fixed Monster AI Aggro System;
Fixed box item openning client freeze;
Fixed Guard Tower Aggro Loop logic;
Fixed bug when vote send to electing players;
Fixed Premium Item duplicate in some ways;
Fixed Runes tooltip visual issues display with special effects;
Fixed Armor Ranger Move Speed Effect;
Fixed Armor Tooltip visual issues with (launcher) 0.00 numbers;
Fixed Fireguard hidden button mouse handle controller;
Fixed stIsInit == NULL mesage box sound system;
Fixed HP, SP recovery logic while have additional effects;
Fixed Leader's charm logic;
Fixed All Armor Attack Speed data;
Added chat inform guard tower kill inform data;
Added chat inform trap kill inform data;

Also we've started reworking all game content logic and more information will be available soon.