RF Online June 23rd (Thursday) update information
On Thursday, June 23rd, a special lucky box will be added where you can obtain RF Online ‘ Class D Equipment’ !
Please refer to the event details below for more details!
[Event Schedule]
- After regular maintenance on Thursday, June 23, 2022 ~ Before regular maintenance on Thursday, July 7, 2022
[Event details]
> Obtain the ‘ D-Class Equipment Selection Coupon’ !
- During the event period, the following items will be sold in the Orion Server Cash Shop.

*This product can be sold in stores, traded, thrown away, or stored in the warehouse.
- If you purchase and open a special lucky box, you can randomly obtain 1 to 6 items.

※ Items acquired by opening a box can be sold in stores, stored, not traded , or discarded.
[How to combine event items]
- The items below can be obtained by combining them with hero NPCs.

※ Please note that the items listed above will be deleted after the update on July 14th (Thursday). (correction)

Please refer to the event details below for more details!
[Event Schedule]
- After regular maintenance on Thursday, June 23, 2022 ~ Before regular maintenance on Thursday, July 7, 2022
[Event details]
> Obtain the ‘ D-Class Equipment Selection Coupon’ !
- During the event period, the following items will be sold in the Orion Server Cash Shop.
*This product can be sold in stores, traded, thrown away, or stored in the warehouse.
- If you purchase and open a special lucky box, you can randomly obtain 1 to 6 items.
※ Items acquired by opening a box can be sold in stores, stored, not traded , or discarded.
[How to combine event items]
- The items below can be obtained by combining them with hero NPCs.
※ Please note that the items listed above will be deleted after the update on July 14th (Thursday). (correction)